Complete conjugations of some important irregular second conjugation Italian verbs.

Italian Verb DOVERE (to have to)

Dovere is an irregular verb. It is transitive. It conjugates with avere or essere, depending on the main verb used. If dovere is the main verb, it conjugates with the verb avere. Below you will find all its Indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its Subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all […]

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Italian Verb VOLERE (to want)

Volere is an irregular verb. It is transitive. It conjugates with avere or essere, depending on the main verb used. If volere is the main verb, it conjugates with the verb avere. Below you will find all its indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all its conditional forms (present and […]

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Italian Verb POTERE (to be able to)

Potere is an irregular verb. It is transitive or intransitive. It conjugates with avere or essere, depending on the main verb used. If potere is the main verb, it conjugates with the verb avere. Below you will find all its Indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its Subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and […]

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Italian Verb ESSERE (to be)

Essere is an irregular verb. It is intransitive. It conjugates with the verb essere. Below you will find all its indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all its conditional forms (present and past); its imperative forms; its gerund […]

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Italian Verb AVERE (to have)

Avere is an irregular verb. It is transitive. It conjugates with the verb avere. Below you will find all its indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all its conditional forms (present and past); its imperative forms; its gerund […]

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Italian Verb BERE (to drink)

Bere is an irregular verb. It is transitive. It conjugates with the verb avere. Below you will find all its Indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its Subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all its Conditional forms (present and past); its Imperative forms; its Gerund (past and present); its […]

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Italian Verb CADERE (to fall)

Cadere is an irregular verb. It is intransitive. It conjugates with the verb essere. Below you will find all its Indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its Subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all its Conditional forms (present and past); its Imperative forms; its Gerund (past and present); its […]

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Italian Verb SAPERE (to know)

Sapere is an irregular verb. It can be transitive or intransitive. It conjugates with the verb avere. Below you will find all its indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all its conditional forms (present and past); its imperative forms; its gerund (past and present); its infinitive (past and present) and its participles (past and present). Indicativo Presente […]

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Italian Verb TRADURRE (to translate)

Tradurre is an irregular verb. It is transitive. It conjugates with the verb avere. Below you will find all its Indicative forms (present, present perfect, imperfect, past perfect, past definite, past anterior, future simple and future perfect); all its Subjunctive forms (present, present perfect, imperfect and past perfect); all its Conditional forms (present and past); its Imperative forms; its Gerund (past and present); its […]

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