Hypothetical phrases in Italian
There are three kinds of hypothetical phrases:
- della realtà (Real)
We use this form when if something happens, something else will certainly happen.
Se fa bel tempo, vado a correre. (If it’s a nice day I’ll go for a run.)
Se vinco un milione di euro, mi ritiro a vita privata. (If I win a million dollars, I’ll live a quiet life.)
We form this phrase in the following way:
Indicativo (Present simple indicative) + Indicativo (Present simple indicative)
- della possibilità (Possible)
We use this form when something may happen, it’s possible.
Se facesse bel tempo, andrei a correre. (If you ate more fruit, you’d feel better.)
Se vincessi un milione di euro, mi ritirerei a vita privata. (If you studied more, you’d do better at school.)
We form this phrase in the following way:
Congiuntivo Imperfetto (Present Conditional) + Condizionale Presente (Imperfect Subjunctive)
- dell’irrealtà (Impossible)
There are two cases:
Congiuntivo Imperfetto + Condizionale Presente
Se avessi caramelle, le darei ai bambini.
(If we had some sweets, I’d give them to the children.)
I haven’t got any sweets so it isn’t possible.
Se Luca fosse anche intelligente, sarebbe perfetto.
(If Luca was also intelligent he would be perfect.)
There is no chance that Luca could be perfect because he isn’t intelligent.
Se fossi bello, sarei un modello ben pagato.
(If I were handsome, I’d be a well-paid model.)
I’m not handsome so there is no chance of this happening.
Se fossi in lui, cambierei ragazza.
(If I were him, I’d look for another girlfriend.)
There is no chance of me being him.
Congiuntivo Trapassato + Condizionale Passato
Se avessi vinto un milione di euro, mi sarei ritirata a vita privata.
(If I had won a million euros, I would have retired and lived a secluded life.)
Se avessi avuto più fortuna, avrei fatto Bingo.
(If I’d been luckier I’d have hit the jackpot.)
Se fosse venuto in tempo, avrebbe trovato ancora qualcosa da mangiare.
(If I’d arrived in time I’d have found something to eat.)
Se fosse stato più spigliato, avrebbe sicuramente ottenuto il lavoro.
(If he’d been more self-confident he would certainly have got the job.)
Se non avessi visto il film “Titanic”, ti avrei chiesto di prestarmi il dvd.
(If I hadn’t seen “Titantic”, I’d have asked you to lend me the DVD.)