Imperative in Italian
The imperative is used to give orders or commands and corresponds with the present indicative.
Sii buono! (Be good!)
Fai il bravo! (Behave!)
Non dirlo a nessuno! (Don’t tell anyone!)
Di la verità! (Tell the truth!)
Abbiate pazienza! (Be patient!)
Fate piano! (Take your time!)
Mangia tutto! (Eat everything!)
Dormite! (Sleep!)
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The Imperative of the verbs mangiare, credere e partire.
Mangiare (to eat)
Credere (to believe)
Partire (to leave)
The Imperative of the verbs essere and avere.
Essere (to be)
Avere (to have)
The imperative of the first person plural noi (we) is not an order but an exhultation. E.g:
Mangiamo una bella pizza! (Let’s eat a nice pizza!)
When there is a negative command, we use the infinitive. E.g.:
Non fumare (Don’t smoke!)
Non disturbare (Do not disturb!)
Non toccare (Don’t touch!)