The articles

Ho comprato dei quaderni nuovi.

Articles are divided into definite and indefinite.

Definite Articles

The definite articles are:

il, lo, la; with nouns in the singular

i, gli, le; with nouns in the plural

and indicate people, animals and specific things.

For example:

Ho comprato il quaderno nuovo.

Ho comprato i quaderni nuovi.

Indefinite Articles

The indefinite articles are:

un, uno, una

and indicate people, animals and not well-defined things.

These articles have only the singular form and not the plural one; therefore when faced with plural nouns we must use partitive articles, which are:

del, dello, della, dei, degli, delle

which have the same meaning as alcuni, alcune, un po’ di.

For example:

Ho comprato un quaderno nuovo.

Ho comprato dei quaderni nuovi.


The articles la and una become l’ and un’ in front of feminine singular nouns that begin with a vowel. For example:

l’acqua, un’amica

the same applies to lo, which becomes l’ in front of masculine singular nouns that begin with a vowel. While it does not undergo the same change as uno, which in the same situation loses the final –o but does not take any apostrophe in its place. For example:

l’albergo, un amico

Test yourself with this exercise on definite and indefinite articles.

See also:

Italian Trailers Exercises: Lo Hobbit Definite and Indefinite Articles

Italian Trailers Exercises: Diverso da chi? Definite and Indefinite Articles

Italian Indefinite Articles Video Exercise Italian song: Jovanotti, Baciami ancora