Italian Articulated Prepositions (part 2)
da + la = dalla
We use this in the same cases as “da” when the noun which follows is feminine singular and starts with a consonant.
Dalla casa, dalla scuola. (From home, from school.)
da + le = DALLE
We use this in the same cases as “dalla” when the noun which follows is feminine plural and starts with a consonant or with a vowel.
Dalle mani, dalle opere. (By hand, from work.)
We use this in the same cases as “dal” and “dalla” when the noun which follows starts with a vowel.
Dall’ansia, dall’odio. (From anxiety, from hatred.)
in + il = NEL
We use this in the same cases as “in” when the noun which follows is masculine singular and starts with a consonant.
Nel mare. (In the sea.)
in + la = NELLA
We use this in the same cases as “in” when the noun which follows is feminine singular and starts with a consonant.
Nella casa. (In the house.)
in + i = NEI
We use this in the same cases as “in” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a consonant.
Nei casi. (In the cases.)
in + gli = NEGLI
We use this in the same cases as “in” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a vowel.
Negli occhi. (In the eyes.)
in + le = NELLE
We use this in the same cases as “in” when the noun which follows is feminine plural and starts with a consonant.
Nelle case. (In the houses.)
We use this in the same cases as “nel” and “nella” when the noun which follows starts with a vowel.
Nell’andito, nell’aria. (In the passage, in the air.)
su + il = SUL
We use this in the same cases as “su” when the noun which follows is masculine singular and starts with a consonant.
La gatta sul tetto che scotta. (The cat on the scalding roof.)
su + i = SUI
We use this in the same cases as “sul” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a consonant.
La casa dava sui colli circostanti. (The house looked out on the surrounding hills.)
su + gli = SUGLI
We use this in the same cases as “sugli” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a vowel.
C’è una grande speculazione sugli affitti e sui terreni. (There is a lot of speculation on the rent and land.)
su + la = SULLA
We use this in the same cases as “su” when the noun which follows is feminine singular and starts with a consonant.
L’aquilone si posò sulla capanna. (The kite rested on the hut.)
su + le = SULLE
We use this in the same cases as “sulla” when the noun which follows is feminine plural and starts with a consonant or with a vowel.
Sulle case, sulle ali. (On the houses, on the wings.)
We use this in the same cases as “sul” and “sulla” when the noun which follows starts with a vowel.
Sull’orlo, sull’aria. (On the edge, on the air.)
Articulated Prepositions (part 1)