Italian Articulated Prepositions (part 1)
Preposizione semplice + l’articolo determinativo
(preposition + definite article)
di + il = DEL
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “di” when the noun which follows is masculine singular and starts with a consonant.
L’onda del mare. (The wave of the sea.)
di + la = DELLA
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “di” when the noun which follows is feminine singular and starts with a consonant.
Lo sportello della macchina. (The door of the car.)
di + i = DEI
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “di” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a consonant.
Nella maggior parte dei casi. (In most cases.)
di +gli = DEGLI
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “di” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a vowel.
Il fiuto degli animali. (The scent of the animals.)
di +le = DELLE
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “di” when the noun which follows is feminine plural and starts with a consonant.
Il becco delle anatre, il palmo delle mani. (The beak of the ducks, the palm of the hands.)
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “del” and “della” when the noun which follows starts with a vowel (both masculine and feminine).
Il biglietto dell‘autobus, gli abitanti dell’Africa. (The ticket for the bus, the inhabitants of Africa.)
a +il = AL
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “a” when the noun which follows is masculine singular and starts with a consonant.
Stasera vado al parco. (This evening I’m going to the park.)
a + i = AI
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “a” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a consonant.
Bisogna dirlo ai ragazzi. (It’s necessary to tell the guys.)
a + gli = AGLI
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “a” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a vowel.
Bisogna dirlo agli operai. (It’s necessary to tell the workers.)
a + la = ALLA
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “a” when the noun which follows is feminine singular and starts with a consonant.
Bisogna chiederlo alla maestra. (It’s necessary to ask the teacher.)
a + le = ALLE
We use this in the same cases as the prepositon “a” when the noun which follows is feminine plural and starts with either a consonant or a vowel.
Bisogna dare da mangiare alle mucche e alle oche. (It’s necessary to feed the cows and the geese.)
We use this in the same cases as “alla” and “al” , when the noun which follows starts with a vowel.
Devi andare all‘ospedale, è necessario chiedere all‘infermiera. (You have to go to the hospital, it’s necessary to ask the nurse.)
da + il = DAL
We use this in the same cases as “da” when the noun which follows is masculine singular and starts with a consonant.
Il vento che arriva dal mare. (The wind which comes from the sea.)
da + i = DAI
We use this in the same cases as “dal” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a consonant.
Dai cani e dai gatti. (From dogs and from cats.)
da +gli = DAGLI
We use this in the same cases as “dai” when the noun which follows is masculine plural and starts with a vowel.
Dagli animali e dagli uomini. (From animals and from men.)
Articulated prepositions (page 2)