Italian Descriptive Adjectives

Descriptive adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to.
- Most of the masculine adjectives have the singular form that ends with -o, and the plural form that ends with -i, the feminine ones end with -a and -e.
- Adjectives that end with -e, both masculine and feminine, have the plural form that end with -i.
Singular |
Plural |
masculine which end in -o |
un ballerino famoso |
dei ballerini famosi |
feminine which end in -a |
una ballerina famosa |
delle ballerine famose |
masculine which end in -e | un libro interessante | dei libri interessanti |
feminine which end in -e | una signora gentile | delle signore gentili |
Adjectives which end in -o |
Adjectives which end in -e |
Bello, a, i, e Carino, a, i, e Buono, a, i, e Bravo, a, i, e Brutto, a, i, e Simpatico, a, i, e Antipatico, a, i, e Piccolo, a, i, e Solo, a, i, e Alto, a, i, e Basso, a, i, e Povero, a, i, e Fortunato, a, i, e Duro, a, i, e Impegnato, a, i, e Imprevisto, a, i, e Ricco, a, cchi, cche Noioso, a, i, e Timido, a, i, e Stupido, a, i, e Spigliato, a, i, e |
Intelligente, i Importante, i Gentile, i Gioviale, i Particolare, i Grande, i Triste, i Felice, i Appassionante, i Intrigante, i Affascinante, i Accattivante, i Disponibile, i Semplice, i Attraente, i Interessante, i Elegante, i |
Colours |
Bianco, a, i, e Rosso, a, i, e Giallo, a, i, e Nero, a, i, e Azzurro, a, i, e |
Verde, i Arancione, i Marrone, i |
N.B. Blu e Porpora rimangono sempre invariati.
La cravatta blu e i calzini porpora stonano un po’.
See also:
Italian Adjectives Exercise Italian trailer: Big Miracle – Complete the dialogue with the missing adjectives.
Italian Adjectives Video Exercise Complete the song with the missing adjectives.
Position of Italian Descriptive Adjectives