Do you say preferito or favorito?
In Italian, when we want to express our preference, we use the qualifying adjective preferitoThe adjective “preferito” indicates a person, an animal or a thing that is considered better from our point of view.
Il mio libro preferito è Harry Potter.
La mia città italiana preferita è Cagliari.
I miei animali preferiti sono i gatti e i cani.
The adjective “preferito” can be declined in the masculine or feminine singular (preferito/preferita) and in the masculine and feminine plural (preferiti/preferite) in order to agree with the noun to which it refers.The use of the qualifying adjective favorito in these cases is not incorrect, in fact it has the same meaning as the adjective “preferito”. However, in colloquial Italian the use of the adjective ”preferito” in these cases is more widespread.The adjective “favorito” is often used instead to indicate a probable winner of a competition.
La squadra favorita alla vittoria ha deluso le aspettative.
L’atleta favorito per la gara è stato squalificato.
Le due canzoni favorite al Festival di Sanremo si sono posizionate per ultime.
Even the adjective “favorito” can be declined in the masculine or feminine singular (favorito/favorita) and in the masculine and feminine plural (favoriti/favorite) and always agrees with the noun to which it refers.